Biorąc pod uwagę jej dysplazję typu D - zaaplikowano lek przeciwzapalny i przeciwbólowy. Jak ręką odjął - humory ustały.
To kolejny dowód na to jak ważna jest obserwacja psa i reagowanie na zmiany w zachowaniu :)
How innocent they are, well, well. They are sleeping next to each other. But just a couple days ago they were constantly "fighting". Of course Lea was the source of trouble. But she is excused - she was in pain. I noticed some behavior changes and we went to the vet. Blood testing and ultrasound examination. The blood test showed inflammation, so we checked her thoroughly. Everything is okay - so bearing in mind her HD ( D ) the vet gave her some painkillers. It worked.
This is another evidence how important it is to observe your dog's behavior and react at once :)